Among the stones
You see a stone
hard,stiff, rigid and old .
worthless " you say.
unwilling to recognize,realize .
What is hidden for millions years .
on a mountain top, and beautiful shore.
Gathering dust in order shield what in its core.
Waiting patiently, silently for an artist hands
to notice,touch, to undress ,to reveal its face.
As there are men with a heart of stone and there are stones with a heart of men…
Men and Women
Children of the world
Together, Like Mother Earth
Prepares the ground, its soil
To hand out its fruits.
Men and women
Desire to meet, join
And drop their seeds
to reproduce ,to nurse
With or without foreplay
It’s the pick of fulfillment
The triumph of their souls
What a lovely way for
A new Life to be.
To sprout in-the womb
Sharing the breath
Each and every move
As a single heart beat
Unconditional love begins
Embracing the unknown
What life will be from now on?
And to whom it belongs?
As the new born arrives
With loud cry and strong
Will to live.
The umbilical cord is cut!
How can they now be apart?
So the hands clutch, embrace
As the mighty fear appears
Maybe there will be a loss, a miss
Together or apart?
Now men and women
Must see their offspring
Must love, and release
Let him join humanity
Expand his wings
To spin with the wind,
To live and let live.
Like the fruit of the earth
Does not belong to the dirt
Only to nurturer, to foster
Those that walk
Its valleys, and its hills.
As the open blue sky above
Watch, Witnesses and protect
Making sure life never ends
Sara shai / sep 2020
אנוכי מדבר כבר דרות רבים.
לא מקשיבים ורק שואלים
מי זה כבר יכול להיות ?
בלתי נראה לגמרי נסתר
יש אומרים זה היה פה מזמן
עוד לפני חוה ואדם הראשון .
מופיע בכל מקום ובכל מיני צורות
לפעמים נוגע בקלות אפילו בעדינות
ולפעמים תוקף באמת קשות
אבל בטוח לא עושה הפליות
מי זה כבר יכול להיות ?
כאב רחמן לא פוגע בקטנים
מצוה על הגדולים להשאר בחדרים
מאלץ אותם להתבונן בפנים
אולי סוף סוף ימצאו את האלוהים !
כי אם יבינו מי שוכן בפנים
יגלו גם מה מתרחש בעולמים
אולי לזה התכוונו החכמים :
׳אשרי יושבי ביתך
עוד יהלולוך סלה׳
מאת שרה שי
מרס 29 ,2020
Man is Born
What does we know?
Nothing and everything.
So much is possible,
Many doors are open.
He recognize, he knows
There is only one truth:
Live, love and be loved.
His journey begins
So much to realize,
Achieve and attain.
Here fear interferes!
How, why and what if?
His early wisdom disappears!
The journey is up hill,
The road is dusty, unclear.
This is uncharted land
With no manuals or map.
He joins the people
Walk the valleys and the hills
Stumble and rush to rise.
He doesn’t give up,
Even when the race is done.
It’s hard to believe.
How time went by,
Where is the triumph
What did he win?
He looks at the vista he created.
He understands!
Just when the end is near
He smiles, opens his eyes.
He recall, he reminisce
There is only one truth.
From the beginning to the end.
Live, love and be loved
The end!
Sara Shai
Sep 2020
אל דאגה
אין ברכה בדאגה
ולא שמץ של תקוה
רק מפזרת אימה וחוסר תשובה .
מרעילה את הסביבה ומפיצה חרדה
אין בה אפילו טיפת חדוה .
פניה מוסוות וידיה בכל בוחשות.
פותחת פיה כאילו בטוחה .
אפילו כשאין בידה הוכחה
בלי אסמכתא , בלי חתימה,
גם בלי הזמנה ,את הדלת פתחה ?
אפילו בפעמון לא צלצלה
אך לשמחתי נראה לי שפחדה
כשהדלקתי את האור ,
והסרתי את הוילון .
הפסקתי להתחשב בקיומה
והחלטתי לעיף אותה במהרה
שתחזור מאיפה שהיא צמחה
ואף פעם לא תמצא את יעודה
שרה שי
מאי 2020
Being Creative
To create is to be in love with life.
When you are in love, there is nothing you wouldn’t do …
You see, listen, touch, feel, and glorify.
You want to know everything about your beloved.
And often you stand for and speak on its behalf.
Creativity is not an art, but a way of life.
It’s the way my soul speaks.
I create when I’m happy or sad, angry or at peace,
hungry or fulfilled…
Creativity is in the heart of everything I do
And so when the heartbeat is loud and the breathing is deep.
When the mind is still and the body’s going strong.
I move my hands to create,
To tell and to perceive.
To bring forth what’s locked inside me
To give birth and to bestow.
As the dark makes the light shine ever so bright.
As the pain dances with the joy,
The ugly illuminates the beauty
They all become one.
I carve the stone to undress,
And reveal more of its beauty.
I paint to dance with multi-colors
Allow, not interfere
And silently watch with bliss.
With deep gratitude.
I know I am blessed
As I dance through life.
Over and over